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The Challenge...​





business goal

success metric



first deliverable



The opportunity


Our approach

  • An immersion phase to...

    • understand current how the current NAT and NPA ticket works

    • understand the purpose of introducing NAT and NPA tickets


  • Five co-design workshops, 1.5 hours each with each Retail Service Provider(RSP)

    • maximise the limited time we have with RSPs

    • to gain a deeper understanding of the current process of communicating outages to end users

    • RSP: Telstra, Optus, TPG, Aussie Broadband and Vocus


  • A workshop synthesis phase to...

    • Map areas of improvement to potential solutions


  • Crafting a future state story with...

    • opportunity areas

    • hero concepts

My Role

My role in this engagement was to conduct design research and to provide UX strategy and design for the future state story and hero concepts. The other members of my team included a Senior Manager of Experience Design, Senior Manager of CX and Products, Product Managers and a Customer Delivery Manager, . 


Stakeholder Engagement

The output of these interlock sessions informed our understanding of how RSPs are currently notified when there is an outage in the network and when the outage is resolved, the current state experience, as well as aspirations for the future state. 


Unpacking The Current Experience:

To understand what information RSPs want in order to notify their end users in a timely manner and whether the current process is sufficient , the constraints they work within, as well as their perspective pain points and desires. 


Shaping the Future Consultant Experience:

To explore potential solutions to current pain points and visions for any future network activities, and the team’s role in realising that vision. 




Capture pain points in the current way RSPs are notified about outages 



To develop a set of 'Business Requirements' for the Network Activity Ticket(NAT) and Network Performance Advice(NPA) to enable Retail Service Providers(RSPs) to consume and pass onto the end customer.



Creating an end to end process that will allow for efficient communication for the RSP to an end user to create a better customer experience.

Current State Journey

Walkthrough of current state journey to gather comments, concerns and assumptions


Brainstorm & Affinity Clustering

Brainstorming ideas on some RSP perspectives that have been collated from previous interactions

Rose, Bud, Thorn on potential solution

Reviewing potential solution and finding positives, negatives and opportunity areas



Stage One

With the sheer amount of insight gathered from the sessions it was crucial that all feedback could be referenced back to the activity as well as the RSP who provided it.To do so, each post it note has a number denoted in it from 1-5 which represents the RSP that it came from.


Insights gathered are then categorised as follows:












These post it notes are then clustered into broad themes before synthesising further into individual cluster overviews/theme.




Stage Two

Each cluster theme represents a want or need that an RSP has voiced during the workshops and presents an area that can be improved. Internally within nbn stakeholders, we ran workshops to map each cluster problem to a potential solution so that we could prioritise them in a matrix by importance to RSP/Customer and Cost of Implementation.

Future State Story

Future State Story

The synthesis process provided us with clear solutions which could be taken across to be prioritised by Importance to the RSP and Cost of Implementation. The working group got together to decide what a good medium was, this is something moderately important to the RSP and has a moderate cost associated. By having a medium, all other solutions become relative to it and can be plotted against the "moderate" one.

Our engagement with this working group concluded after this exercise, the Senior Manager of CX and Products and Customer Delivery Managers then this research piece to Steerco to propose the solutions that we gathered from the workshops to improve the current process of informing RSPs about outages.

© 2024 Kristie

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